KBr Fundació Mapfre
KBr Fundació Mapfre
KBr Fundació Mapfre
Barcelona Photo center
With this new centre, the Fundació Mapfre in Barcelona is putting its faith in photography. Changing exhibitions are shown in two rooms.
My Rating:
The positives:
The foundation gets 3,5 stars from me. In the old building they had some really great divers exhibitions, now they moved to another building with a new focus... So, we have to see.
The negatives:
Unfortunately, exhibition houses are only accessible during active exhibitions, so you can’t go for a visit without seeing an exhibition as well.
Last Modified: 19.02.2024 | Céline
KBr Fundació Mapfre
The details
at a glance
Official website of KBr Fundació Mapfre (EN): kbr.fundacionmapfre.org
Text and image rights: © Céline Mülich, 2014 – 2024